Commercial law

We offer flexible and effective legal solutions in the field of commercial and contract law, tailored to the specific needs of our clients, relying on our professional diligence and correctness, innovation, speed and accuracy.
The legal services we offer in the field of commercial and contract law focus on:
Comprehensive legal assistance in connection with commercial transactions - preparation and review of all types of commercial contracts and agreements, related documents within the negotiation process and afterwards;
Assistance and representation of our clients when participating in negotiations;
Legal analysis of debts and assistance in their restructuring; Legal analysis of existing and future securities and guarantees;
Assistance and representation of our clients when participating in negotiations;
Complete research and preparation of legal opinions and all accompanying documents for entering into contractual relations, execution, amendment or their termination;
Analysis and consultations regarding the possibilities of contracting the counterparty's contractual liability, as well as defence against its claims.